Thursday, February 19, 2009

HK rank

the local HK Ahtletics published the 2008 athletes ranking.

unfortunately it is full of mistakes (for road races..) and some mis-spelling of the name of the athletes are "tragic"...
they (the HKA) attracts a huge dose of criticism for their management of the sport, so also this rank is in line with usual quality of their operations...

Personally I am glad to see that I am ranked (under 2 different spellings, sic):
5000m track: never run in 2008... not ranked
10000m track: 3rd (accurate)
10k road: 8th (maybe accurate)
15k road: not run any
Half Marathon: 10th (using a wrong timing, I should be 8th...)
Marathon: did I run any marathon in 2008?...(I want to forget)

Good to see that I can make the Top10 even in a season that was quite unfortunate...


Dante, L'alighiertoy: un piccolo barbone cinofilo per caso said...


ma parli anche italiano? thanks della visita!

saluti from Italy

Dante, L'alighiertoy: un piccolo barbone cinofilo per caso said...

ehi coach!
vai a vedere coem ti ho sistemato nel mio sito..un post tutto per te..Roby, il coach, italiano in hong-kong!
grazie della visita! :)