Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Wk26 Summary

Undefeated by the rain, the week had good running achievements:
- 7 runs
- 96 Km
- 2 quality runs: a long run of 27k and a very good "Marathon Effort" run on Sunday. I was planning to run around 3'50"/k, but I felt very easy at such pace and soon we stabilized around 3'45". Very good to see that the HR was much lower than 2 weeks before, even at a slightly higher pace. Closed in 37'50" with HR lower than 170bpm until K6 (weather was 26C/95% Rh)

this training period is very mentally tough ... running in the heat, no races in sight for the next 2 months. I feel so tiring to go out and be covered in sweat only after few minutes...
I need to find a good balance between making a solid base and do not getting stale for lack of stimuli. So in the next weeks I will introduce some relatively "harder effort" to give some new stimulus to the body and get progressively reacquainted with fatigue.
The weather forecast is now for nice, hot, humid weather for the next days. The Accuweather widget on the left side shows a current "real feel temperature" of 39C/110F ...

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