Thursday, March 17, 2011

our club/il nostro club: ITALIA Running Club (Hong Kong)

(versione italiana sotto..)

today is the 150th Anniversary of the Unification of Italy.
Despite being a country in decline and despite some political parties play a game of putting one half of the country against the other half (on more mundane affairs, also our Marathoning is not even near what it was 10-20 years ago). After so many years abroad, I also personally find difficult to tackle the chronic inefficiencies and poor organization so common back int he country...

Anyway, despite all, our "soul" (culture, lifestyle, art, cuisine, etc) is very well alive and more and more spreading around the world.

So end of last year, together with a group of fellow countryman, we set-up a running club to carry around the "azzurro" (royal blue) of our national color.
The "Italia Running Club (Hong Kong)" was an instant hit and I am proud to see that also runners of other nationalities were happy to join us.
In these few months we achieved many victories and podium positions and the club is poised for further expansion in the next season.
You could see than in the past few races I wore our uniform which was generously sponsored by some italian (and not only italian) companies.
So, this is our small way as Italians overseas to keep the flag high and promote the italian culture.

Many thanks for this project to:
Unigasket: a italian company, manufacturer of industrial gaskets and rubber products
JAS Logistics: the largest freight-forwarder in Italy
Australian Nutrition and Sport: their sports nutrition products are really good !

Follow us on our website or on Facebook (page: Italia Running Club)

oggi, in occasione dell'anniversario dell'Unificazione, sono orgogioso di annunciare una nostra iniziativa per unire la nostra passione per la corsa e l'onore di rappresentare l'Italia nel mondo.

Il nostro paese sara' pure in declino ed in mezzo ad un casino abissale, ma noi italiani all'estero siamo orgogliosi della nostra identita' e della nostra cultura.
Quindi, qualche mese orsono, insieme ad altri connazionali, abbiamo lanciato il "ITALIA Running Club - Hong Kong".
Abbiamo una bellissima divisa, con i colori nazionali e devo ringraziare le societa' che ci hanno supportato.
In poco tempo, il club ha avuto subito un grosso successo e anche molti non italiani si sono uniti a noi partecipando alle gare con i colori del nostro club.
Per la prossima stagione abbiamo la volonta' di allargarci ancora un po' e di promuovere l'italianita' nel paese che ci ospita.
In questi mesi ci sono stati gia' numerose vittorie e piazzamenti nelle gare locali e sono orgoglioso di vestire la scritta "Italia" sulla maglia.

Seguiteci sul nostro sito oppure sulla pagina Facebook "Italia Running Club"


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