Saturday, August 8, 2009

C degrees !!! (NOTE: I had to change the title of this post because it attracted huge spam)

ENG: just back from a 4 hours ride with friends. We climbed the TaiMoShan, the highest peak in HK, 990m high, straight from sea level in 10km...
The heat and humidity are devastating and I felt like I could have thrown myself in the sea at any moment to cool down. At home I gave a look at the temperaure and Accuweather proclaims that the "real feel" is like 51C (124F). Yes, I agree !!!
I got even headache from the sun/heat/humidity

ITA: pedalata di 4 ore con amici. Ci siamo lanciati alla scalata del TaiMoShan, la montagna piu' alta di HK (990m), scalata che parte direttamente dal livello del mare in 10km...
La percezione del caldo puo' essere molto soggettiva, ma c'era un caldo ed un umidita' devastanti...quando sono tornato a casa, il sito di Accuweather dava una "temperatura equivalente" (effetto combinato di umidita' e temperatura) di 51C gradi !!! Le estati a HK sono realmente disumane, ho la testa che mi fa perfino male dal sole e caldo



Wow thats hot, I felt hot doing my long run in 18C, my tongue got that dry I could not feel it any more..
Your Right to say cycle training is harder than running, 8-10 hours running and you can get really fit, on the bike you need many hours more to reach your best, but I think with you past endurance you could race well in shorter cycle races on limited training.


Oh and have you read this;