Friday, April 17, 2009


  • myself: slow progress on the tendons. Biking daily. Today I went for a Time Trial to use as yardstick (well, obviously on the bike...). 15km at "medium effort" (I would say like marathon effort) in 25' (it is around 35kmh). Let's see how I will develop from here.
  • running world: next sunday is very juicy... several friends and several "blogger runners" of my interest will run in a bunch of marathons around the world... my best wishes to all of them !! (list is below)

  • io: progresso lento. Bicicletta tutti i giorni. Oggi ho fatto un test a sforzo medio sui 15km, in 25' (sopra i 35kmh). Vediamo cosa riusciro' a fare in futuro (una ventina di anni fa potevo tenere forse attorno ai 42kmh...)
  • altri corridori: domenica e' veramente affollata di corse attorno al mondo e dovro' seguire (spiritualmente) tutti i miei amici e corridori bloggers impegnati in maratona attorno al mondo. Ecco la lista
- Boston: my protege' Suet-fei (she goes for a big PB...) , Pauline + others from HK, Thomas (I hope a sub-3 for him), Michael (from Canada)Ryan (a very fast guy)
- Vienna: the fastest sumo-runner in the world, Simone
- Nagano:  fellow HK runner KaHo and HoKi...

hope I did not forgot anyone. In bocca al lupo... good luck...

1 comment:

Simone said...

Hi Roberto,
thanks for the good luck,
I see your post only now.
Unfortunately as you know it didn't go as I wanted.
But I'm still curious to know what was your predicted time, if it can be published :)

Simo the Sumo