Monday: even if it was a public holiday, I headed out for a long run at 5.30am to avoid the heat. I would say that until 6.30 I was running, then once the sun was high in the sky, it become a sort of crawl... (in figures, first hour @4'20"pace, then dropped to 4'36"...). I was stopping every now and then to take a walk, but honestly it felt harder than running the last km in a marathon. Total: 25k
Afterwards I felt so tired that I went back to sleep for an hour... seriously considered to give up running, if training must be so painful
Tuesday: 11km... "recovery run"
Wednesday: an approaching tropical storm from the Philippines was pushing
w/u , then 2km mini-tempo run @ 3'25" pace (feeling much better than expected), 1km jog, then hill spring 8x15".. Total 13k
Thursday: awfully hot... it should have been a recovery run, but at the end my HR was at MP effort even if I was crawling... total 9k
Friday: I did not even try to run outside...11km on treadmill
Saturday: the tropical storm was now near HK and outside was too awful... so long run on treamill (a first time for me). Watching a TV channel in cantonese is not exactly the best way to fight the "boremill", but I felt really committed to go long...
I can not swear about the reliability of the pace, but I did 13km easy, then cranked up the pace to 4'00" feeling very good (also because the thermometer of the gym club showed 21C/55rH..). Total 25K
Sunday: rain, rain, rain.. !! the storm eventually brought heavy rain and it was like another planet.
It was raining so hard that I had to keep a hand in front of my eyes (yes... a bit bizarre to rain like that), but I felt effortless... 11km @ 4'05" pace, with average HR of only 147bpm... totally a different story !
1 comment:
Interesting week Roberto,
Keep running/training and just try to think how easy it is going to be running at the end/cooler months of the year!
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